Norfolk Southern Juniata Locomotive
Shop - Photo Tour
Photos taken at Employee
Appreciation Day event 09/05/2016
Page 12
- AC44C6M Rebuilds - NS 4004
completed and on display.
NS 4004 was completed and was open to
In 2015, NS had GE rebuild two of
its DC-traction powered Dash 9-40C locomotives as AC-traction
powered AC44C6M units. After successful testing, NS went forward
with 16 additional rebuilds in 2016.
Of the 16 rebuilds, 12 were rebuilt by GE, 2 by NS at the Juniata
Locomotive Shop, and 2 by NS at its
Roanoke Locomotive Shop. NS 4004, as seen in the photos below, was
rebuilt at JLS from NS 8866.
While the 2015 units were painted in a special blue, gray, gold, white,
and black paint scheme to highlight
the DC to AC conversion, NS chose to modify the special scheme with the
4004, painting it in a black, blue,
gray, and white scheme. The 4004 features a blue "mane"
stripe to signify that it was rebuilt at
JLS (the two units rebuilt at Roanoke will have a tuscan red
"mane" stripe, while the 12 units coming
from GE will be in painted in the standard NS black and white scheme). The AC44C6M
rebuilds have
a new GE widenose and cab, new GE electronics, electrical and inverter
cabinets, new trucks with AC
traction motors, and additional weight has been added to increase the
maximum weight to 432,000 pounds.

Several years ago, GE standardized
its locomotive cabs to have high mounted number boards and a
low mounted headlight, which is mounted in a recess in the front of the
widenose. NS, however, still
specifies a high mounted front headlight, so the new GE cabs it received
for its AC44C6M's have the
high headlight housing already applied, but the recess in the widenose
remains with a plate covering
the opening where the wiring would normally be routed. The number
board font on the 4004 is of an
NS style, rather than the more generic Helvetica
style used on many other NS GE units.

The original standard cab and low
short hood of the Dash 9-40C was replaced with the latest GE widenose
and cab, which meet current FRA crashworthiness standards. As part of
the replacement, new front steps
were installed in a 5-step arrangement, while the rear of the unit
retains the original 4-step arrangement.

As seen in the photo below, the
4004 received a blue "mane" stripe to signify the unit was
rebuilt by NS at the
Juniata Locomotive Shop. The 4005, also being rebuilt at JLS, will
receive the same paint treatment, while
the two units being rebuilt by NS at the Roanoke Locomotive Shop will receive
a tuscan red "mane" stripe.

As can be seen below, the 4004
retains the original 4-step arrangement for the rear steps.

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Please Note:
This is the personal
of Chris
R. Toth. It is not affiliated with, sponsored
nor supported by Norfolk Southern Corporation.
Information and photos from this website
should not be used without permission and/or proper credit.
