Norfolk Southern Juniata Locomotive
Shop - Photo Tour
Photos taken at Employee
Appreciation Day event 09/05/2016
Page 13
- AC44C6M Rebuilds - NS 4005
undergoing rebuilding
NS 4005 was well along in the rebuild
process inside the shop on Track 27
The primer gray portions of the
4005 are the new parts from GE that have been added. Like the 4004, this
unit will also receive the special black, blue, gray, and white scheme
with blue "mane" stripe to signify that it was rebuilt at the
Juniata Locomotive Shop. This is the second of two AC44C6M's to be
rebuilt at JLS in 2016.

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Please Note:
This is the personal
of Chris
R. Toth. It is not affiliated with, sponsored
nor supported by Norfolk Southern Corporation.
Information and photos from this website
should not be used without permission and/or proper credit.
