NS No. |
5th No. |
4th No. |
3rd No. |
2nd No. |
1st No. |
Rebuilt From | Rebuilt By | Rebuild Date | Order No. | Builder No. | Build Date | Previous Nos. | Notes |
270 | NS 4270 | RPCX 1010 | RPCX 101 | MARC 81 | MDOT 7181 | M-K F7A 4580 | Morrison- Knudsen |
01-1981 | 3122-A | 15909 | 01-1952 | B&O 4580/B&O 937 | Unit stored pending sale/disposition. |
271 | NS 4271 | RPCX 1020 | RPCX 102 | MARC 85 | MDOT 718 | M-K F7A 4557 | Morrison- Knudsen |
08-1980 | 3146-A | 16642 | 08-1952 | B&O 4557:2/B&O 4590:1/B&O 947 | Unit stored pending sale/disposition. |
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R. Toth. It is not affiliated with, sponsored nor supported by Norfolk
Southern Corporation.
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