Norfolk Southern Juniata Locomotive
Shop - Photo Tour
Photos taken at Employee
Appreciation Day event 09/05/2016
8 -
Rebuilds - SD70ACU
cab and widenose awaiting installation
A new SD70ACU widenose end and cab
await installation in the Smith Shop.
The new EMD SD70ACe-style cab and
nose are specifically designed by EMD to fit the SD90MAC frame
and meet the latest FRA crashworthiness standards. The new cab includes
an AAR-style control stand
(rather than the desktop controls of the SD90MAC), fits to the new
electrical cabinet, and is isolated from
the frame (with a gasket) to reduce noise and vibration inside during
operation. As can be seen in the
photos, the cabs arrive from EMD pre-wired and with many components
already installed, ready to be
mounted to the locomotive. Other components (such as the radio, computer screens, air
brake valves,
etc.) are
installed after the cab has been applied to the locomotive.

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Please Note:
This is the personal
of Chris
R. Toth. It is not affiliated with, sponsored
nor supported by Norfolk Southern Corporation.
Information and photos from this website
should not be used without permission and/or proper credit.
