Norfolk Southern Juniata Locomotive
Shop - Photo Tour
Photos taken at Employee
Appreciation Day event 09/05/2016
Page 18 - NS RP-M4C Slugs - "Admiral" cab/short hoods being prepared
The new cabs and low
short hoods were being prepared for 625 and 626
The new NS-designed
"admiral" cab and low short hoods being used on the RP-M4C
Slugs meet
the current FRA crashworthiness standards and are manufactured by Curry
Rail Services. The cabs
and low short hoods shown below are being prepared for NS 625 and
626. Once ready, they will be
welded in place on the respective slug frames.

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Please Note:
This is the personal
of Chris
R. Toth. It is not affiliated with, sponsored
nor supported by Norfolk Southern Corporation.
Information and photos from this website
should not be used without permission and/or proper credit.
